I connect people.

I connect buyers and suppliers.

traude rathgeb


Local – Regional – Global

Celebrate success! Whether it is at home or in the global marketplace.

As an implementation-oriented expert, I offer first-class sales and organisational development and sharpen your marketing strategy for your benefit.

Clarity in structures and the necessary flexibility in processes are constant sources of profit. I offer tailor-made solutions and create models that work.

With the right approach and communication, we achieve personal success, success in sales and profit.

I am convinced that appreciation contributes to success and support your organisation

with respect and pleasure.

The Sound Of Sales


Clear priorities in operating in the market and sales control guarantee successful partnerships with your customers.

To remain profitable as a business in the long term, you need clear structures, the courage to repeatedly break new ground and confident positioning.

A sales focus across the whole company is crucial for success.

The Sound Of Marketing


Be seen and be heard.

Create an authentic image of your brand and your business.
In the digital world, you are competing in the virtual and international marketplace at all times.
By defining exact target groups and concentrating on particular customer requirements you make your marketing measures more efficient.

Create positive feelings.

The Sound Of Culture


Create a positive corporate culture and encourage trust throughout. This is the way to keep your high performers and know-how in the company. Sound has many voices.

Support the diversity of your team and enable more space for creativity and innovation.

This is how to make space for creativity and innovation. Appreciation and an open-minded environment make life better for staff, suppliers and customers.

The Sound Of Export


The sound of the big wide world is within reach. Export and grow! Regardless of whether you already have experience or a new-to-export strategy.

Activate and intensify your international potential.

Involve all other areas of the company and give your team confidence in export with the right structures.

The Sound Of Success


Are you self-employed, a small business, an international business, a public organisation?

With our 4 cornerstones we help you to shape new success .

Investing in the future

Organisational development


You know your products and your company better than anyone else. I provide support with ways and tools to strengthen your team, promote collaboration and …



Objective and transparent


I analyse processes, products and customer-supplier relationships both within and beyond your company. A process of listening and questioning provides a …


Stability and clarity


Changed processes influence how people and departments collaborate. Let us make interface problems visible. This optimises sales channels and …


Team & Culture

Innovation through trust


Create a culture of trust in your company. Openness and the sharing of knowledge are powerful and efficient engines for innovation at all company levels.



Why is empowerment so important?

Why is empowerment so important?

Besides the major factor of employee motivation, there are other good reasons for empowerment in your organisation: faster and better decisions and your advantage as an attractive employer for your future specialists and managers. 1. Faster decisions: Greater...

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Export as a powerful driver of innovation.

Export as a powerful driver of innovation.

Evidence indicates that there is a strong correlation between exporting and innovation. The experience of exporting can be a strong driver of investment in innovation and R&D as businesses compete in new markets. The more customers you have using your product, the...

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Traude Rathgeb


My name is Traude Rathgeb. I’m here to get things on track and keep them there.

My practice-oriented approach, high level of social competence and expertise in actively interconnecting game-changing competencies are geared towards your sustainable profit.

My know-how stems from the analysis of internal and external processes, their reorientation and successful implementation.

I am convinced that appreciation contributes to success. My experience in organisational development both as a sales & marketing manager and as an HR manager have confirmed the power of appreciation.

With the right approach and communication, we achieve personal success, success in sales and profit. Vision, creative excellence and forward thinking are what make me and my partners stand out.

I accompany and support your organisation with respect and pleasure, taking it to a new level.



Nomen est omen


Internationalise your sound.

Internationalise your company.

7 + 1 =