traude rathgeb


Local – Regional – Global

The Sound Of Culture

Create a positive corporate culture and encourage trust throughout. This is the way to keep your high performers and know-how in the company. Sound has many voices.

Support the diversity of your team and enable more space for creativity and innovation.

This is how to make space for creativity and innovation.

Appreciation and an open-minded environment make life better for staff, suppliers and customers.

This in turn leads to more success, from small businesses to big players. With positive relationship management you strengthen the bond between staff, product and customer.

Appreciation counts and appreciation is worthwhile. .


Traude Rathgeb


My name is Traude Rathgeb. I’m here to get things on track and keep them there.

My practice-oriented approach, high level of social competence and expertise in actively interconnecting game-changing competencies are geared towards your sustainable profit.

My know-how stems from the analysis of internal and external processes, their reorientation and successful implementation.

I am convinced that appreciation contributes to success. My experience in organisational development both as a sales & marketing manager and as an HR manager have confirmed the power of appreciation.

With the right approach and communication, we achieve personal success, success in sales and profit. Vision, creative excellence and forward thinking are what make me and my partners stand out.

I accompany and support your organisation with respect and pleasure, taking it to a new level.



Nomen est omen


Internationalise your sound.

Internationalise your company.

2 + 2 =